SEP Licensing for IoT

March 1, 2023

SEP Licensing for IoT

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The past years have shown that the wide use of connectivity technologies has become crucial across many industries. NB-IoT (NarrowBand IoT) and Long-Term Evolution for Machines (LTE-M) are a low-power, wide-area network (LPWAN) technologies specifically designed for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. With low power consumption and wide coverage, both technologies have the potential to transform the IoT landscape by enabling billions of connected devices to be deployed in a cost-effective and scalable manner. First use cases include Smart Metering, Asset Tracking, Agricultural Monitoring, Health Monitoring, Industrial Automation and many more.

This webinar brought together implementers, patent holders, and pool administrators that have realized the first SEP licensing deals in the IoT space. These experts shed light on current licensing models, first accomplishments, and challenges ahead. Among other topics, experts will discuss:

  • State of play – IoT markets today and where they are heading.
  • Different IoT verticals and the current market focus.
  • Does the IoT licensing market require any new approaches or are usual licensing programs also working?
  • What is important to consider when designing a successful IoT licensing program, i.e. one that serves the interest for the entire ecosystem?
Webinar Panel Speakers
  • Julia Dias, Senior IP Policy Counsel at Huawei
  • Kristian Saether, Product Director Celluar IoT at Nordic Semi
  • Patrik Hammarén, VP Head of IoT Licensing at Nokia
  • Sven Törringer, Director Senior Counsel Legal & Business at Sisvel

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