LexisNexis PatentSight wins prestigious SIIA CODiE award for “Best Big Data Reporting & Analytics Solution”


CODiE Judge endorses capabilities of PatentSight, calling it “breathtaking”.

HORSHAM, PENN June 13th, 2019 LexisNexis IP, today announced that LexisNexis PatentSight won the 2019 SIIA CODiE Awards being the “Best Big Data Reporting & Analytics Solution”. In total, five LexisNexis products in various categories were named finalists.

The SIIA CODiE Awards are the industry’s only peer-recognized awards program. Business technology leaders including senior executives, analysts, media, consultants and investors evaluate the best products, technologies, and services in software, information and business technology.

Nils Omland, founder and CEO of PatentSight said, “We are honored and humbled to receive this award. With additional data and improved AI technologies, we will continue to further develop PatentSight to provide unparalleled insights to our customers. We are determined to remain the benchmark in strategic patent analytics.”

PatentSight provides strategic insights based on worldwide patent data

PatentSight evaluates worldwide patents using a scientifically developed proprietary methodology, the Patent Asset Index™. This method distinguishes high value patents from less important ones. Thus, patent portfolios of competitors, suppliers, customers, specific areas of technology and new market entrants can be analyzed to identify opportunities and threats.

CODiE judges were thoroughly impressed by PatentSight

During their assessment, CODiE’s panel of experts endorsed the capabilities of the product. One of the judges stated: “The ability of PatentSight to extract meaning from patents, primarily from metadata such as citations, is absolutely breathtaking. They go deep into measures of the lasting value and impact of patents, work to validate their results, and present a wide variety of results in useful and interesting ways. Superb work. Visualizations are also impressive. PatentSight is an excellent product!” Judges also praised the technical sophistication of the tool, calling it “robust” and “top notch.”

About LexisNexis IP

LexisNexis IP is the provider of best-in-class information-based solutions and services to meet the broad needs of the global Intellectual Property market. Our customers include the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, IP-driven companies and law firms across the globe. The corporate culture is driven by a commitment to excellence, innovation, and a strong dedication to its customers, employees and community. LexisNexis IP is a division of Reed Tech, a LexisNexis company. Reed Tech has been recognized as an innovator in the patent arena and has electronically captured and prepared for publication two-thirds of all U.S. patents ever granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).