Sustainable Innovation: Which Companies are Leading our World Toward a Sustainable Future? July 20, 2023 Watch recording Watch now On July 11th, LexisNexis Intellectual Property Solutions unveiled a first-of-its-kind report, ranking the world’s leading patent owners spearheading potentially transformative, sustainable innovation and a sustainable future. The “Exploring the Global Sustainable Innovation Landscape: The Top 100 Companies and Beyond” report leverages a unique methodology that maps global patents to the targets and indicators of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), revealing which companies have the most innovative strength in sustainable technologies. Watch this special webinar with William Mansfield, Head of Customer Success at LexisNexis Intellectual Property Solutions and co-author of the report, to get insider information on the creation and content of the report and an exclusive deep-dive into two companies on the Top 100 list. During the webinar, we discussed: The methodology behind the “Exploring the Global Sustainable Innovation Landscape: The Top 100 Companies and Beyond” report; how do we measure ‘sustainable innovation’ and why is it important to be able to do so? How can you use this report and how can it help you to drive data and IP analytics driven decision making in your company? The state of the sustainable innovation landscape—are we on target to reach the 2030 SDG deadlines? A closer look at two companies on the list; why did they make the cut, what are they doing right and what can we learn from them? There’s no doubt that sustainability is gaining momentum as the new value indicator. By uncovering the close correlation between the strength of innovation, as reflected in patent data, and our ability to solve some of today’s most pressing global challenges, this report offers a new, objective way of comparing the contributions of the global corporate sector towards a sustainable future. To meet the rising demand for an objective measure of sustainability and to identify the most sustainable technology leaders, our team of patent search experts objectively mapped technology areas with active patenting activity to the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. The LexisNexis® PatentSight® innovation analytics platform makes sustainability-focused innovation identifiable, searchable, trackable and measurable by mapping the global patent system to the U.N. SDGs. View the slides get the deck Which Companies Own the Strongest Sustainable Technologies? In a first-of-its-kind report, learn which companies are the world’s leading patent owners with the potential to drive transformative innovation toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). download report
Sustainable Innovation: Which Companies are Leading our World Toward a Sustainable Future? July 20, 2023 Watch recording Watch now On July 11th, LexisNexis Intellectual Property Solutions unveiled a first-of-its-kind report, ranking the world’s leading patent owners spearheading potentially transformative, sustainable innovation and a sustainable future. The “Exploring the Global Sustainable Innovation Landscape: The Top 100 Companies and Beyond” report leverages a unique methodology that maps global patents to the targets and indicators of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), revealing which companies have the most innovative strength in sustainable technologies. Watch this special webinar with William Mansfield, Head of Customer Success at LexisNexis Intellectual Property Solutions and co-author of the report, to get insider information on the creation and content of the report and an exclusive deep-dive into two companies on the Top 100 list. During the webinar, we discussed: The methodology behind the “Exploring the Global Sustainable Innovation Landscape: The Top 100 Companies and Beyond” report; how do we measure ‘sustainable innovation’ and why is it important to be able to do so? How can you use this report and how can it help you to drive data and IP analytics driven decision making in your company? The state of the sustainable innovation landscape—are we on target to reach the 2030 SDG deadlines? A closer look at two companies on the list; why did they make the cut, what are they doing right and what can we learn from them? There’s no doubt that sustainability is gaining momentum as the new value indicator. By uncovering the close correlation between the strength of innovation, as reflected in patent data, and our ability to solve some of today’s most pressing global challenges, this report offers a new, objective way of comparing the contributions of the global corporate sector towards a sustainable future. To meet the rising demand for an objective measure of sustainability and to identify the most sustainable technology leaders, our team of patent search experts objectively mapped technology areas with active patenting activity to the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. The LexisNexis® PatentSight® innovation analytics platform makes sustainability-focused innovation identifiable, searchable, trackable and measurable by mapping the global patent system to the U.N. SDGs. View the slides get the deck Which Companies Own the Strongest Sustainable Technologies? In a first-of-its-kind report, learn which companies are the world’s leading patent owners with the potential to drive transformative innovation toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). download report